Monday, April 13, 2020

An ER doctor loses custody of daughter because of coronavirus fears

(CNN)An emergency room doctor in Miami has temporarily lost custody of her 4-year-old daughter while she treats patients during the coronavirus pandemic.
Dr. Theresa Greene told CNN's "New Day" that she was appealing the emergency order that granted her ex-husband full custody of their daughter.
"I think it's not fair, it's cruel to ask me to choose between my child and the oath I took as a physician," Greene said. "I won't abandon my team at work or the patients who will increasingly look to me to save their lives in the coming weeks, but it's torture."
    Greene and her ex-husband have been divorced for almost two years and have split time with their daughter evenly.
    Last week, Circuit Court Judge Bernard Shapiro ruled that the child should stay with her father, Eric Greene, to limit the risk of exposure to coronavirus.