Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Venue owner for Trump's indoor Nevada rally fined $3,000 by city for violating COVID-19 rules


WASHINGTON – The city of Henderson, Nevada, where President Donald Trump recently held an indoor campaign rally, is fining the venue owner $3,000 for violating COVID-19 preventative measures imposed by the state’s governor.

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Gatherings of more than 50 people are prohibited in the state. Attendees of Trump's rally were also not required to wear masks, nor was social distancing enforced, despite state rules requiring those measures.

Henderson officials had issued a compliance letter and verbal warning to the event organizers prior to the rally.

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Kathleen Richards, a spokeswoman for the city of Henderson, said in a statement: "During the event, a compliance officer observed six violations of the directives and the City's Business Operations Division has issued a Business License Notice of Violation to Xtreme Manufacturing and assessed a penalty of $3,000."