Tuesday, November 3, 2020

‘State of readiness:’ Governors across the country place National Guard troops on standby for election aftermath


AUSTIN, Texas — A nonscalable fence around the White House and boarded-up storefronts are signs of the tension surrounding Election Day and the fear that some Americans will react to voting results with protests, riots and violence that could spur the deployment of National Guard troops.

“We are hopeful, as are most Illinoisans and Americans, that we will not be needed and will not have any missions, but better to be there and ready,” said Lt. Col. Brad Leighton, spokesman for the Illinois National Guard.

National Guard officials in Illinois, Florida, Massachusetts, Oregon and New Jersey have confirmed troops are on standby for potential deployment to quell civil unrest.

In Massachusetts, Gov. Charles Baker announced an executive order Monday to allow up to 1,000 troops available to support local law enforcement agencies in the state, though most officials have declined to discuss exact numbers.


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